Experience the allure of True Beach Resort, now open in the captivating destination of Marsa Alam.

Countless hours and days of dedicated effort have been invested to deliver the highest quality that caters to the guests’ needs worldwide.

True Beach Resort provides a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing you to relax and rejuvenate in a quiet environment.

Our goal is to guarantee a feeling of ease and tranquility. We aim to turn guests into an extended family while acquainting them with an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Our dedicated team is devoted to meeting the needs of our guests through excellent service and ensuring a comfortable stay.

Both the resort and village have a remarkably peaceful atmosphere.The buildings remind us of a city in the desert, blending with the natural elements of the place.

The resort caters to families, but it still maintains a tranquil and discreet, eco-friendly architectural style.

On the other hand, the village area is specifically created for adults, offering swim-ups in front of every room that provide a private setting and a romantic atmosphere.